Welcome, my name is Anna.
There are so very many stories I could tell. And I could write for hours. Here is a bit of the story.
I am a Registered Nurse, a Systemic Family Constellations Facilitator, a Waldorf PreSchool teacher, a Circle of Security Facilitator, an Advanced Nervous System Regulation Practitioner, a gardener, a conscious dancer, a daughter, a mother, and lover of 3 cats that really needed new homes. I play crystal bowls, work with raw cacao, love to blow enormous bubbles, believe you can never have too much glitter and own unused Russian Fire Fans.
I have worked with the trauma held in my body, both personal and transgenerational, for over 25 years. Jungian Inner Journeys, Family Constellations, Somatic Experiencing and Conscious Dance saved my life. I am so very thankful for everyone that has witnessed this process.
I had my first experiences with plant medicine as a teenager. These formed me and opened my mind to thinking, understanding, and seeing the world quite differently than many others. In the summer of 2021 I became life threateningly ill and asked for death. This process included many interesting experiences, the most extreme of which was a dimensional shift, leading to a new understanding of reality.
The lived experiences of my life allow me to be present in ways only someone who has been through hell and survived can. I am grateful for every day I live, every experience I have and cannot imagine being anything other than what I am.
I am happy, fulfilled and stunned over how abundant life is.
I look forward to meeting you.
All the best,
Photo- Ciel Udbjørg
1981-1983 Lift operator. Breckenridge Ski Area, Breckenridge, Colorado.
1983-1988 Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Western Connecticut State University.
1989 Licensed as Registered Nurse, New York City.
1995 Authorized nurse in Norway.
1996-1997 Artschool.
1989-2014 Work as Registered Nurse.
Neurosurgery, ICU, Aids, as well as 11 years of street level work with multi-substance injecting drug addicts.
2005-2006 Systemic Family Therapy, Momentumn Institute.
2006-2007 Basic Systemic Family Constellations Facilitator Training, Institute for Family Constellations. Hellinger Institute.
2007-2009 European Academy for Systemic Constellations Certification program for Systemic Constellation Facilitators and Phenomenological Counseling. Hellinger Institute, Oslo, Norway.
2008-2009 Systemic Metapsychology, Momentumn Institute.
2009-2010 Esoteric Astrology, Momentumn Institute.
2010 Esoteric Astrology, Personar, Momentumn Institute.
2011-2014 Bachelors degree Waldorf kindergarten teacher , Rudolf Steiner College, Oslo, Norway.
2024 Circle of Security Facilitator Training
2024 Advanced Nervous System Regulation Practitioner Training, Institute of Applied Somatics®, Barcelona, Spain
2014- present Preschool teacher, Eventyrbrua Steinerbarnehage (Waldorf).
Volunteer work
- Kids club- 20 years of holding space for children, Etterstad kolonihage
- Extrema 2011, the last electronic music festival on Kalvøya.
- Hagelarm, Etterstad kolonihage, 2009-2023. Music festival in the garden community I live in during the summer. Responsible for decorations, kids activities, and more.
- Green days at Vålerenga church a Arranger. Early 2000’s
- Oslo Medieval Festival (5 years) cleaning toilets, emptying garbage cans and hauling bags of empty beer bottles.
- Picnic in the Park Music Festival, 2014, music festival, garbage duty.
- SirkusSmulene 2007-2010, costume and chaos manager for a kids New Circus.
- So Far Sounds Oslo 2018-2020, Venue manager and producer.
- Mela Festival, 2010 giant bubble maker.
- Mela Festival Kids day 2018- dressed up as Fairy and painted faces
- Alna River Walk 2013- Green witch performance in Witch Forest.
- M&E Second Hand store 2019- 2021 pricing, restocking, dancing and laughing with both customers and co- workers.
Dancing on the Earth
Oslo, Norway
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