Systemic Family Constellations are the life's work of German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger (1925 – 2019). His method is used worldwide by Family Constellation Facilitators to help clients acknowledge what is and see the truth behind the challenges they face in life. Hellinger's basic principle is that our challenges as human beings, the confusing feelings, the blocks in our lives, the repeated dysfunctional relational patterns, the strange physical symptoms we cannot understand, are connected to, and deeply rooted in, our connection to the hidden dynamics and unresolved trauma of our ancestors.
This connection is know as being unconsciously entangled with your family system. Hellinger saw that even though we do not know them, that the trauma and unresolved issues of these ancestors, can have a profound impact on the life we are living now........influencing our relationships, our beliefs, our behaviors and even our physical body.
The Systemic Constellation method gives us a way to take a closer look at these entanglements and get to their heart quickly and effectively. By providing us with a living image of the hidden trauma the client carries in the cells of their body, we gain awareness about these invisible connections and can find a resolution within the love in our family system.
This brings not only awareness, but personal growth, healing and a deeper sense of peace. A constellation causes ripple effects, and will change not only your life, but will also affect the lives of all of those around you. Suddenly the dynamics are different. Almost like magic.
These ripple effects affect not only the client and the family system we work with, but workshop participants as well. We see, again and again, that being part of a constellation, or simply witnessing someone doing their personal work, can affect a participant almost as much as if it were their own constellation. Freeing blocks, loosening patterns, and giving profound insight into their own lives.
Over the years the field has opened up, giving space to creativity and allowing for the classic family constellation method to evolve. I work with Heart and Soul Resonance Constellations, Relational Resonance Constellations and Circle of Security Constellations.
Heart and Soul Resonance Constellations
If your heart, or soul, could speak without fear or judgement, put words on what it would like more of in life, what would it say?
I want more joy?
I want to feel safe?
I want to feel free?
I want to be seen?
I want to be heard?
I want to have more courage?
I want to release my pain?
I want to feel worthy?
Or maybe something else that only you can know, something honest, from the very core of your being?
Not everyone has information about their family tree, or the traumas of their ancestors. By working from what your heart and/or soul wants more of in life, we remove the need to know specific details about your family history. By doing this, we allow the field that resonates around that intention, to take form and show us a living image of what lays in the history of your family system and prevents you to reach your deepest desire in life. The only thing you must feel is what you want more of.
Although these constellations begin and unfold differently than Classic Family Constellations, what transpires on the floor is without doubt deeply transformative transgenerational trauma work that uncovers unresolved trauma within the family system. This allows the love to surface, helping the client, and the family system, find heal and find peace.
Relational Resonance Constellations
These constellations are closely related to Classic Family Constellations and are perfect if you have a specific relationship you would like to take a closer look at. We can work with almost all of your relationships. Your mother, your father, your birth parents, a co-worker, your home, a beloved pet, even a building project you have questions about.
Circle of Security Resonance Constellations
Circle of Security is a registered and trademarked tool used to help parents take a closer look at, and understand how, their own attachment issues and bonding traumas affect their child's needs. I offer both Circle of Security Parenting groups, 1:1 work, as well as holding Circle of Security Resonance Constellations groups. In these groups we begin by setting up a constellation for for you and your child, using some time in order to get a better sense of your relationship. After that we open up for other representatives to join and allow the resonance field to do it's magic, revealing the dynamics behind the challenges you and your child experience.
A short video where Rupert Sheldrake talks about Morphic Fields and Family constellations-
Dancing on the Earth
Oslo, Norway
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